Coming Home Meditation and Self Inquiry Group


There is a beauty to the depth, wisdom, and inner richness of people, but are struggling in this world because they are caught up in trying to fit in rather than fully allowing the beauty of themselves to be seen and realized. 

Coming Home Group

  • Tired of feeling like there’s something wrong with you or you just can’t fit in? Are you sick of feeling out of place or awkward? 
  • Are you feeling like you’re not good enough or you’re failing because you’re struggling to embody spiritual teachings and leave your ego behind?
  • Do you wish you knew how to understand and get unstuck from your patterns or ways you sabotage yourself?  
  • Do you want to embrace your beauty, power, and the richness of who you are?


If you said yes to any of these questions, Coming Home Group may be the place for you.


In this group, you will learn how to and practice:

  • Meditation to bring your attention and awareness to the present moment and grounded in your body
  • Awakening and listening to the inherent wisdom within you
  • Staying with your process and following your own unfolding
  • Recognizing when you fall into the many pitfalls in this amazing and beautiful inner journey of self discovery
  • Perceive your gifts, your inner richnesses that are both manifest and waiting to show up in your daily life
  • Turning towards self love and compassion for the richness of your soul, the woundedness of your ego, and your personal story that connects your soul and ego


When will the group be held? Wednesdays 7:00 – 8:00 PM

Where will we meet? Online

Please note, this is not a therapy group. You’re welcome to sign up and attend this group from anywhere in the world. 



A little about me

I’m a licensed psychotherapist and spiritual mentor. I’ve been on my inner journey since going to sacred spaces with my mother as a child and connecting with the energy spontaneously. It was not until my adulthood when I had lost much of my connection with those inner sacred spaces that I decided to consciously pursue spirituality as a path towards my being, soul, body, and heart. At the same time I pursued my education as a psychotherapist. Psychology tells us about our egos and how to be in the world. Spirituality traditionally tells us how to be content and out of this world. I needed to find a path that not only bridged the two, but brought them together. For the last couple of decades, I have been studying, practicing and teaching the integration of developmental and ego psychology, body oriented modalities, and their relationship to different qualities of being, our essential selves. Integration of psychology and body is a grounded way to recognize and connect our inner development with the qualities of our being, for example groundedness, power, love. Having fallen into numerous pitfalls of spiritual teachings, coming through with experiencing the richness of Being and discovering this deep and essential nourishment in life, I feel offered to share and guide you on your journey home. Welcome!